The Practice is participating in a Quality Improvement project as part of the General Medical Services Contract with regards Unhealthy Behaviours.
The aim is to improve the recording of lifestyle behaviours to ensure that advice can be given to patients where appropriate
This includes
- Smoking Status
- Alcohol Consumption
- Weight
- If you are a smoker and would like support on reducing how much you smoke, visit Help Me Quit | Stop Smoking Services In Wales
Local Community Pharmacies can also provide free Smoking Cessation advice. For details please speak to your local pharmacy team.
- How much do you drink? Did you attempt "Dry January"? - If you would like support in reducing how much alcohol your drink Drinkaware Home | Drinkaware website has useful advice.
How we are obtaining this information.
- Clinicians may ask you questions about your lifestyle behaviours during a consultation
- "General Health Questionnaire" available at reception, this also allows patients to inform us if any personal details have changed, and to sign consent for text messages from the Practice. An electronic version of the questionnaire is available via this link
- Newly registering patients complete as part of the New Patient Questionnaire
Please be assured that this information is added to your medical record and kept confidential